Monday, 8 February 2010

Cameron's attack on Brown shows the nonsensical skill of the PR man.

First of all allow me to get it out of the way that I have no truck with anyone using any sort of legal argument to get away with the parliamentary abuses that have gone on, be that parliamentary privelege or any other legal argument that the accused MPs may employ. I am not a lawyer and further than that, if they are acquitted of wrong doing there has still been an unbelievable abuse of their role. However the words of Cameron's statement once again expose his shallow politicism. He is perfectly prepared to accuse Brown of lack of leadership of his party, perhaps a legitimate criticism, while exercising none over his own party. Are we prepared to accept that a Tory can accuse gay people of being not worthy of his marriage allowance? Are we prepared to accept his own (and shadow cabinet's) far greater abuses of the allowance system than lack of discipline? Mrs Julie Kirkbride should become a major political issue given his supposed attack on parliamentary expenses in my opinion. The accusations that the Tory leader has thrown over the past day are not just idiotic (considering he has committed the same fallacies) they are counterproductive and deliberately against the interests of politics. One can only think that he is listening to Mr Hannan a little bit too much, and those of us whose economics lecture he addressed know where he leads, in fact his blog says it today.

In summary, there is no point saying 'Dave, be fair, it's all our fault' so politics will descend in to the mire.

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